Leadership and mentorship are pivotal pillars in fostering growth and development within any community or organization. Effective leadership inspires and guides individuals towards achieving common goals, harnessing their potential, and cultivating a sense of unity. It involves setting a clear vision, providing direction, and empowering others to contribute meaningfully.
Mentorship complements leadership by offering personalized guidance and support to individuals at various stages of their journey. A mentor not only shares knowledge and expertise but also nurtures talent, instills confidence, and promotes resilience in the face of challenges. Through mentorship, communities thrive as individuals learn, grow, and ultimately pay forward their experiences to inspire others.
Together, leadership and mentorship form a dynamic duo that not only drives progress but also builds a strong foundation of trust, collaboration, and inclusivity within any endeavor.

Program for prevention of Suicide
Suicide is a major crisis in public health that impacts a large number of people. In 2019, nearly 47,500 individuals lost their lives to suicide. Suicide was ranked as the 10th leading cause of death in the nation during the same year. Although the act of suicide is challenging and distressful, it can often be prevented.